29 Random Memes and Tweets to Row Your Boat Gently Down the Stream
Life is not merrily or a dream, but hopefully these funny pics can help it seem like one for little bit.
Published 1 year ago in Funny
Life is not merrily or a dream, but hopefully, these funny pics can help it seem like one for a little bit.
If you're like me, then daylight savings means your commute to work is the only time you get to spend outside while the sky is light. And I don't know about you, but I'm hardly in the mood to go galavanting around town during the morning rush hour. With that being the case, it's hard not to develop a little bit of seasonal sadness sometimes. We are creatures of the light, and with so much of our time now spent in the dark, every now and then we need a reminder that things won't always be this way. For that, random memes and tweets can help.
Grabbing your attention span and flipping through it quickly, like the sauce, it's easy to get lost in the memes. They have a good sense of humor and remind you of a life well lived from the comfort of your dark room. So if you're getting hit hard by the seasonal sadness, you could quit your job and become a hermit, or you could let us row your boat somewhat merrily down the stream with these funny memes and tweets.